By Peter Miller
The techniques presented in this paper came about from a project where I knew in advance that I wanted to build at least two tools out of a single grammar. I wanted to translate an application-specific language into C, and I also wanted a pretty-printer. This is often done with two separate grammar files (using Yacc, these are "dot Y" files) which differ not in syntax but in the semantic code added to each grammar production. Was it possible to have a single grammar file and use it in two different tools?Parsing theory is one of the most powerful collections of tools available to a programmer. It allows us to turn complex input structures into structured data representations more amenable to manipulation and analysis. The theory is often taught with recursive descent parsers first, and then moving on to parser generator tools, such as Yacc. These tools permit a greater level of complexity, and more rapid comprehension and maintenance. While these tools simplify the task of writing a grammar recognizer, they have little effect on the complexity of the subsequent processing performed on the data content.
One of the most difficult things about parser generator tools is beautifully demonstrated by the GNU C Compiler's grammar specifications. The actual grammar is visually overwhelmed by the sheer quantity of C code attached to each production. It is not uncommon to have a strict separation of the grammar specification, and have it call an external function for each production, and to collect these functions into one (or more) separate source files. In essence, one is a Yacc file, and one is a C file.
But something interesting happens when you make them methods of a single class, rather than functions. When mixed with simple polymorphism (make them all virtual) it becomes possible to leave the grammar untouched, and yet derive completely different content processing classes.
Once coded, it becomes apparent that each method looks suspiciously like a factory method. That is, it is given arguments, and asked to return (for example) an expression node for addition, when the infix plus operator is parsed.
Factories are interesting because they provide a powerful way of thinking about things you know (and want to know) nothing about, or very little about. This amorphous data hiding (not just simple encapsulation) is what gives the technique its power.
In the context of grammars, the use of factories means that the expression node for addition can print a plus symbol, and the compiler can produce different ones for integer addition, real addition, and so on. More tools results in more derivations from the base translator class, but have no effect on the grammar.
(445 words)
Max: 400 words.
Assumed Knowledge
The reader is expected to understand Yacc grammars and basic OO concepts as implemented in C++.
The various types of parsers may be subdivided in various ways. One common subdivision is into recursive descent parsers and table driven parsers. Recursive descent parsers are composed of a number of mutually recursive functions which partition the input. Table driven parsers use a table to drive a push-down state machine which partitions the input; they tend to be smaller (but not necessarily faster) than recursive descent parsers but generating the tables is a complex task best done by a program, such as yacc(1) or bison(1).
Computer languages are compiled or interpreted or translated or analyzed by first parsing the input text and forming tree representations of the program. Various complex or simple manipulations are then performed to do whatever it is the tool must do. Parsers are only able to help with the first step, they can not greatly help with the subsequent data manipulations.
The factory method pattern is an object-oriented design pattern. Like other creational patterns, it deals with the problem of creating objects (products) without specifying the exact class of object that will be created. Factory method, one of the patterns from the Design Patterns book, handles this problem by defining a separate method for creating the objects, which subclasses can then override to specify the derived type of product that will be created. More generally, the term factory method is often used to refer to any method whose main purpose is creation of objects. (Wikipedia)
In this paper, the use of factories allows code reuse between, say, a compiler and a pretty printer, or a variety of code analysis tools. Large amounts of the machinery for understanding the input is common to both. Languages like C and C++ particularly need semantic analysis, most obviously for types, before any kind of semantic tree can be constructed from the syntax tree.
The application of these methods apply equally to language statements, type declaration, variable declarations, and all of the other pieces which make up the richness of all but the simplest of computer languages. For this reason, this paper concentrates on a very small number of expressions and types. The generalization for more types, more operators and more statements, requires more space than is available, and is left as an exercise for the reader. A Short Polymorphism Diversion A common implementation of expression trees in C looks similar to the code below. The pattern has a struct with and ID member and a union, selected by the ID. The expression interface include file would look similar to this:
Each of the related functions contains a switch statement. This is example is a pretty printer:typedef struct expr expr; struct expr { enum opcode_t e_op; enum type_t e_type; union { expr *e__branch[2]; char *e__string; int e__int; double e__double; symbol *e__symbol; } e_u; }; expr *expr_alloc(int op); void expr_free(expr *ep); char *expr_text(expr *ep); void expr_generate_code(expr *ep); expr *expr_method_name(expr *ep); etc etc etc
This code is sub-optimal in its use of storage space, as every expression node is allocated as enough space to hold the largest of the variants.#include "expr.h" expr * expr_alloc(enum opcode_t op) { expr *result; result = new(expr); result->e_op = op; return result; } void expr_generate_code(expr *e) { switch(e->e_op) { case PLUS: printf("("); expr_generate_code(e->e_branch[0]); printf(" + "); expr_generate_code(e->e_branch[1]); printf(")"); break; case IDENT: printf("%s", e->e_symbol->name); break; case INT_CONST: printf("%d", e->e_int); break; case DOUBLE_CONST: printf("%g", e->e_double); break; case CHAR_STRING: printf(" break; } } etc etc void expr_free(expr *ep) { if (!ep) return; switch(ep->e_op) { case INT_CONST: case DOUBLE_CONST: case CHAR_CONST: break; case IDENT: case CHAR_STRING: free(ep->e_string); break; case PLUS: etc etc etc expr_free(ep->e_branch[1]); /* fall through... */ case UNARY_MINUS: etc etc etc expr_free(ep->e_branch[0]); break; } free(ep); }
A second problem is to do with the code in maintenance mode. The availability of all union variants to all methods can result in parasitic reuse of union members rather then going through all of the tedious business of adding another union member. This results in a mine-field of problems waiting to happen when a later maintainer innocently tries to alter a union member.
The equivalent code in C++ code is more verbose, but it is less fragile in maintenance mode, and as fast or faster, and uses slightly less storage. The union ID becomes the vptr (the pointer to the appropriate class's virtual method table).
Each expression type is then derived form this abstract expression base class. The interface refines the base class:class expression { public: virtual ~expression(); expression(); virtual char *text() = 0; virtual expr *optimize() = 0; virtual void generate_code() = 0; etc etc etc };
A pretty printer implementation would look something like this:class expression_plus: public expression { public: virtual ~expression_plus(); expression_plus(expression *, expression *); char *text(); expr *optimize(); void generate_code(); etc etc etc private: expression *lhs; expression *rhs; };
It is important to remember that while the C++ code is necessarily rather more verbose than the C code (especially if one strictly disciplines oneself to a single class per source file), it is also more sparing of memory, and it can often execute more rapidly.expression_plus::~expression_plus() { delete lhs; delete rhs; } expression_plus::expression_plus(expression *a1, expression *a2) : lhs(a1), rhs(a2) { } void expression_plus::generate_code() { printf("("); lhs->generate_code(); printf(" + "); rhs->generate_code(); printf(")"); }
The greatest advantage, however, is the increased robustness during the maintenance phase. This arises from the inaccessibility (the complete ignorance of) the instance variables of other derived classes (which the C union was used to remember). The code is also easier to read because the union member machinery is no longer needed, and no longer adding visual clutter to the implementation.
The example to be used here is one tiny portion of the expression processing necessary in a computer language parser.
Hand written recursive descent parsers have a number of problems. Firstly, they are very big. The machinery to accomplish the parsing consists of a large amount of code, all of it necessary, with enough self-similarity to suggest re-usability and enough differences to make this unlikely.expression * parse_expression_addprec() { for (;;) { expression *lhs = parse_expression_mulprec(); switch (current_token) { case '+': next_token(); expression *rhs = parse_expression_mulprec(); lhs = new expression_addition(lhs, rhs); break; case '-': blah blah blah default: return lhs; } } }
Second, in a recursive descent parser, it is difficult to see which parts of the code are implementing the syntax, and which parts of the code are implementing the semantics. This often leads to ugly compromises and context sensitive grammars, in the name of pragmatism. The #define mechanism in C and C++ is a good (or is that bad?) example:
The original context sensitive hack is to test for an opening parentheses immediately after the define's name. These days the cracks are papered over with a more elegant formulation involving white space as tokens which are considered by the preprocessor, but discarded before the parser proper sees them.#define FIRST(a) blah blah #define SECOND (a) yada yada
Another problem with hand written recursive descent parsers is that they are fragile. If maintained by a programmer with less parser theoretical knowledge than the original author, it is possible to break them pretty throughly during the maintenance phase. Similarly, a group writing such a parser risks serious breakage for each commit.
Thorough testing, of course, would go a long way towards ameliorating this fragility, but given the combinatorial complexity possible, this is challenging. Unfortunately, it is often the case that the original test suite by the original programmer becomes detached from the sources, and so regression testing is nonexistent in far too many cases. This is how C compiler validation companies can make a living, and C++ must be even more lucrative.
Note that while many generated parses are table driven (and this is often exploited for stack-splitting GLR parsers) some generators generate recursive descent parsers (for example, Packrat parsers) from the grammar specification.
The above long-winded manual recursive descent parser becomes the more terse Yacc example:
The first line is the grammar production. It says that an expression can be defined as one expression plus another expression.expression: expression '+' expression { $$ = build_addition_expression($1, $3); }
At some other point in the definition, each operator is assigned a precedence. Should a precedence bug be found, it is simply fixed by altering the precedence definitions, and then regenerating the code. In the manual recursive descent case, the erroneous code must be correctly extracted from one location in the code, and then carefully inserted at the correct location.
The second line of the above example {enclosed in curly braces} is the semantic action attached to the grammar production. When such a production is matched in the input, this fragment of C code is executed.
Here is an example fragment from gcc-2.95 | And here is the same code from gcc-3.4.6 | |
primary: IDENTIFIER { $$ = lastiddecl; if (!$$ || $$ == error_mark_node) { if (yychar == YYEMPTY) yychar = YYLEX; if (yychar == '(') { /* Ordinary implicit function declaratio $$ = implicitly_declare ($1); assemble_external ($$); TREE_USED ($$) = 1; } else if (current_function_decl == 0) { error ("`%s' undeclared here (not in a f IDENTIFIER_POINTER ($1)); $$ = error_mark_node; } else { if (IDENTIFIER_GLOBAL_VALUE ($1) != erro || IDENTIFIER_ERROR_LOCUS ($1) != cu { error ("`%s' undeclared (first use i etc etc etc | primary: IDENTIFIER { if (yychar == YYEMPTY) yychar = YYLEX; $$ = build_external_ref ($1, yychar == '('); } | CONSTANT | STRING | FUNC_NAME { $$ = fname_decl (C_RID_CODE ($$), $$); } | '(' typename ')' '{' { start_init (NULL_TREE, NULL, 0); $2 = groktypename ($2); really_start_incremental_init ($2); } initlist_maybe_comma '}' %prec UNARY { tree constructor = pop_init_level (0); tree type = $2; finish_init (); if (pedantic && ! flag_isoc99) pedwarn ("ISO C90 forbids compound literals"); $$ = build_compound_literal (type, constructor); } etc etc etc |
You will notice that most of the left hand side is C code, and that much, but not all, has been moved into a C function on the right hand side.
Taking this approach to the limit, completely replacing production body code with an external function for each production, and to collect these functions into one (or more) separate source files. In essence, one is a Yacc file, and one is a C file.
Something interesting happens when you think about implementing these external functions as methods of a single class.%right ASSIGN /* lowest precedence */ %left PLUS /* highest precedence */ %% expression : IDENTIFIER { $$ = build_expression_identifier($1); } | expression PLUS expression { $$ = build_expression_addition($1, $3); } | expression ASSIGN expression { $$ = build_expression_assignment($1, $3); } | etc etc ;
%{ translator *context; %} %right ASSIGN /* lowest precedence */ %left PLUS /* highest precedence */ %% expression : IDENTIFIER { $$ = context->expression_identifier($1); } | expression PLUS expression { $$ = context->expression_addition($1, $3); } | expression ASSIGN expression { $$ = context->expression_assignment($1, $3); } | etc etc ;
When mixed with simple polymorphism (make them all virtual methods) it becomes possible to leave the grammar untouched, and yet derive completely different content processing classes.
Once coded, it becomes apparent that each method looks suspiciously like a factory method. That is, it could return any number of different expression node instances, provided they are derived from the expression base class. For example, a pretty printer may return an expression node which will later print itself with the proper parentheses and spaces around the operator. On the other hand, a compiler may return several different expression types of nodes, depending on whether it is integers to be added, or reals, or a string concatenation, and these would each generate different opcodes./** * The translator abstract base class represents the semantics * actions to be applied to the grammar as it is parsed. * * It is called a translator because it reads its input, and translates * it into some other representation. It could be simply prettier, it * could be an executable file, it could be a dot file for drawing call * graphs with dotty(1), etc. */ class translator { public: virtual ~translator(); blah blah blah /** * The expression_addition method is used to build a suitable * expression node for the given operands. * * @param lhs * The left hand operand of the addition expression. * @param rhs * The right hand operand of the addition expression. * @returns * A dynamically allocated derived expression instance. */ virtual expression *expression_addition(expression *lhs, expression *rhs) = 0; blah blah blah };
The translator is an abstract factory. The interface exists to manufacture suitable expression and statment nodes (etc). Derived classes are specialized to manufacture tool specific objects, in context.
And so on, down into the minutia of printing parentheses, and the operands, and spaces, and plus symbols. This is repeated for each of the other operators in the input language.class pretty_printer: public translator { public: virtual ~pretty_printer(); blah blah blah // See base class for documentation. expression *expression_addition(expression *lhs, expression *rhs); blah blah blah }; expression * pretty_printer::expression_addition(expression *lhs, expression *rhs) { return new expression_addition_pretty(lhs, rhs); }
Again, this is repeated for each of the operators of the language.expression * compiler::build_addition_expression(expression *lhs, expression *rhs) { switch (PAIR(lhs->get_type(), rhs->get_type())) { case PAIR(type_integer, type_integer): return new expression_addition_integer(lhs, rhs); case PAIR(type_real, type_real): return new expression_addition_real(lhs, rhs); case PAIR(type_integer, type_real): return new expression_addition_real( new expression_cast_real_from_integer(lhs), rhs); case blah: blah blah } yyerror("invalid types for addition"); return new expression_error(); }
A traditional response to this problem is to distinguish lvalue and rvalue expressions in the grammar itself. This has the virtue of simplicity, but it makes for poor error messages.
In Pascal, the following contains an error:
program example; var x: integer; begin x = 7 end.
assignment_statement : left_expression ASSIGN right_expression { $$ = context->statement_assign($1, $3); } ; |
statement : expression { $$ = context->statement_expression($1); } ; expression : expression ASSIGN expression { $$ = context->expression_assign($1, $3); } ; |
ucsdpsys_compile: example.pas: 4: syntax error | ucsdpsys_compile: example.pas: 4: statement expression not void as it should be, did you mean to use an assignment (written ":=") instead of an equality test (written "=")? |
But it raises another issue...
When the grammar sees an identifier, it is a left hand identifier or a right hand identifier? This is irrelevant for a pretty printer, but a compiler needs to know if it is to generate load opcodes or store opcodes.%right ASSIGN /* lowest */ %left PLUS /* highest */ %% expression : IDENTIFIER { $$ = context->expression_identifier($1); } | expression ASSIGN expression | expression PLUS expression | etc etc ; expression * translator_compile::expression_identifier(const char *name) { return new expression_identifier_compile(name); }
As the commonest use of expressions are as right hand side expressions, we have the translator create load-expressions for identifiers and array accesses, etc. When we discover an expression is actually on the left hand side, we will have to synthesize a left hand side expression from the right hand side expression.
The grammar is just as we have been using, above, for implementing other operators:
The implementation of the method would look something like this:expression : expression ASSIGN expression { $$ = context->expression_assign($1, $3); }
This is a repeat of the same anti-pattern as before. In each case we are dispatching on the type of the left hand side. Now, we could use down-casts, but it turns out this is unnecessary. Recall that we replaced the e_op with a vptr. The correct way to do this is to ask the left hand side, it already has a vptr.expression * translator::expression_assign(expression *lhs, expression *rhs) { if (lhs is an integer variable) { return expression_assign_integer_factory( lhs->get address, rhs); } if (lhs is an integer array element) { return expression_assign_integer_factory( lhs->get address, rhs); } if (lhs is a string variable) { return expression_assign_string_factory( lhs->get address, rhs); } etc etc etc yyerror("left hand side of assignment inappropriate"); return new expression_error(); }
This is accompanied by a suitable virtual factory method, not in the translator class hierarchy, but in the expression abstract base class.expression : expression ASSIGN expression { $$ = $1->assignment_factory($3); }
In this case, we do not make assignment_factory a pure virtual method. Instead, the default implementation emits an error message, because the vast majority of expression nodes (e.g. arithmetic operators) may not be used on the left hand side of an assignment.class expression { blah blah public: virtual expression *assignment_factory(expression *rhs); blah blah };
This results in far more elegant code. It reads better, it is smaller, it is faster, and the error messages come almost for free. And best of all, it has no casts (safe or unsafe) and does not ever need to have access to the private instance variables of any expression node.expression * expression::assignment_factory(expression *rhs) { yyerror("left hand side of assignment inappropriate"); return new expression_error(); }
On first inspection, it may appear that the translator may require the ability to intervene, rather than directly calling an expression method. Recall, however, that the translator created the expression instance, and thus has complete control over the expression's assignment factory method. In practice, this is entirely sufficient.
This switch (PAIR(blah, blah)) mechanism would be repeated again and again, for each manipulation which had to be performed on the expression. Within a compiler this could be a method to recursively test for constant-ness, or an optimize method to recursively evaluate constant expressions at compile time, etc.
Here is an example of how it is often implemented:
void expression_plus_compile::generate_code() { lhs->generate_code(); rhs->generate_code(); switch (PAIR(lhs->get_type(), rhs->get_type())) { case PAIR(TYPE_INTEGER, TYPE_INTEGER): emit(OP_ADI); break; case PAIR(TYPE_REAL, TYPE_INTEGER): emit(OP_FLT); emit(OP_ADR); break; case PAIR(TYPE_INTEGER, TYPE_REAL): emit(OP_FLO); emit(OP_ADR); break; case PAIR(TYPE_REAL, TYPE_REAL): emit(OP_ADR); break; } }
The more desirable implementation would have a separate derived class for each of the resulting opcodes, one for adding integers, one for adding reads, one for string concatenation, etc. Even within a compiler, without using a pretty printer as a straw man, the translator::addition_expression method should return instances of several different derived expression classes.
That is, we choose amongst the alternatives, not at method execution time, but at object instantiation time.
void expression_plus_integer_compile::generate_code() { lhs->generate_code(); rhs->generate_code(); emit(OP_ADI); } void expression_plus_real_compile::generate_code() { lhs->generate_code(); rhs->generate_code(); emit(OP_ADR); }
This has the advantage of having less code to maintain, performing a whisker faster as a result. Each of the parallel switch bodies are now segregated into their own class, the switch value need not be calculated over and over again, and the sparse switch machinery is no longer required.
There needs to be something for the implicit casts, too, but they don't need their own addition objects.
This leaves one remaining problem: how to we get rid of the switch in the factory method itself. After all, something must decide which expression addition derivative to instantiate. We could use the std::pair template, but that is just as ugly.
The solution is a multi-method, dispatching from more than one vptr at a time, something C++ currently has no direct support for. A very simple, table driven technique may be used, with the advantage of re-usability, and consistent error messages for users as well. The mechanism is to use a method pointer for the appropriate factory method to call from the table match. The important point to remember is that method pointers can point to virtual methods just as well as non-virtual methods.
The add_op instance variable is used to remember the list of expression tests to perform represented by pointers to functions or class methods, and a method pointer to another factory method in the translator_compiler class, e.g. the addition_expression_real method.class translator { blah blah private: binary_dispatch op_add; blah blah }; translator::translator() : add_op("addition") { add_op.append(type_integer::is_a, type_integer::is_a, &translator::addition_expression_integer); add_op.append(type_real::is_a, type_real::is_a, &translator::addition_expression_real); add_op.append(type_real::is_a, type_integer::is_a, &translator::addition_expression_real_integer); etc }
The actual application of this is rather an anticlimax, because the lookup method takes care of finding the appropriate factory and calling it. If no table entry matches, a suitable error message is produced, and a special “error” expression instance is returned.expression * translator_compiler::addition_expression(expression *lhs, expression *rhs) { return add_op.lookup(lhs, rhs); }
Where implicit type promotions may occur, e.g. adding an integer and a real, additional table entries can be added for the various combinations, which build a type casting expression node to promote one or other argument, as required, and then call appropriate “real” factory method, which takes two arguments of the same type.
expression * translator::addition_expression_real_integer(expression *lhs, expression *rhs) { rhs = cast_integer_to_real_factory(rhs); return addition_expression_real(lhs, rhs); }
In languages where users may define operators taking new types of arguments, e.g. C++ operator+ definitions, this can be implemented by more rows being added to the add_op table during the compile, in addition to those in the translator constructor.
A similar mechanism can be used for unary operators. Also, the tests on each row can be as complicated or simple as required.
The same pattern can be used to handle the more complicated cases of assignment tree rewriting and array indexing, not via the translator object but via the left hand expression object. Working out where the virtual method should be implemented can be seen by looking for a switch on an ID.
There are some cases where the switch (or deep if-then-else chain) has more than one dimension. Polymorphism is still appropriate, but a multi-method is required.